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As many as 1 in 3 Americans have errors or mistakes on their credit reports, and as many as 1 in 5 Americans have errors or mistakes that are serious enough to affect their credit scores to point of being denied new credit or refinancing existing credit. Too many consumers currently face unwarranted financial dilemmas as a result of inaccurate credit reporting. Credit report errors can impact one’s ability to retain current employment and affect one’s ability to obtain new credit, get a car loan and even secure insurance.

Don't Let Credit Report Problems Hurt Your Opportunities

If you believe you might be experiencing penalties due to credit report errors contact the Vullings Law Group, LLC. You might have a case against the creditors and consumer reporting agencies who are reporting errors or mistakes on your credit report.

Your credit is too important to have mistakes or errors. Let our credit lawyers put their experience and knowledge of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to work for you. Tell us your story using the contact form on this page, or call us today at 1-855-324-7263.

Free Attorney Services for Credit Report Errors and Credit Mistakes

Struggling to pay your bills can quickly drag your credit score down, but the fact is that failure to make payments on debt is not the only way that your credit score can be ruined. Errors on credit reports are more common than you may think. These mistakes can be challenging to have removed, and can lead to constant calls from debt collection agencies. For these reasons, it is recommended that you consult with an experienced attorney to get help correcting these issues and stopping any harassment be creditors. Alternatively, you can reference our free infographic - How To Dispute Credit Report Errors for free.

Getting Your Free Credit Report

You may think that getting a free credit report is unnecessary, because you know what it contained on the report. However, the fact is that over one-quarter of people in the U.S. have errors on their credit report which impacts their credit score; this makes it essential to access your report and verify that it is error-free. This is the first step to learning whether there is a problem that must be addressed.

How do you get a free credit report? Do not trust every website that offers to provide you with this information. Some of these websites are simply attempting to steal information including names, addresses and social security numbers. The good news is that offers free credit reports to consumers. The Federal Trade Commission verifies that this website is a valid provider of free annual credit reports.

Be sure to check the URL before entering personal information. Some scam artists have registered versions of the website address that include slight typos in hopes that consumers will accidentally visit their website. Verify that the URL reads before providing any sensitive personal information.


What should you do when you receive your credit report? Follow these steps to properly review the information.

  • Go over your basic personal information. This is especially important if you have recently moved, switched jobs or changed your name.
  • Review each credit account. Ensure that you have actually opened each of these accounts.
  • Verify the amount due on each account. Use recent statements from banks or other creditors to verify the amount due.
  • Look for incorrect payment information. Make sure that a creditor has not reported a missed or past due payment if you have always paid on time.
  • Pay attention to credit inquiries. A credit inquiry appears on your report when you apply for credit. Inquiries from companies that you are not familiar with may result from an attempt to steal your identity.
  • Look for judgment information as well as bankruptcies and foreclosures that are listed on your credit reports. Take note of these items. If you have had a bankruptcy or foreclosure, make sure that the date for each item is correct. This information will eventually be taken off of your credit report, so you want to make sure that the reference date is accurate.

Credit Reporting Laws

Credit reporting laws are in place to protect consumers when credit information is being collected and reported to credit bureaus. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) gives consumers a course of action to take if errors are found in their credit report. This law gives consumers the right to access their credit report and dispute information if it contains an error. The FCRA requires credit reporting agencies and creditors to provide accurate information, and mistakes made by either of these organizations must be corrected if a consumer makes a request. A dispute letter should be sent to both the credit bureau and the creditor to notify each of the error and request removal. Documentation that provides proof that the error has been made should be enclosed with each of these letters. An attorney can help you gather the necessary documentation to ensure that the mistake is removed in a timely manner.

Billing errors are common on credit reports. Examples of billing errors that you may discover on your report include:

  • Charges for items that you know you did not purchase
  • Amounts that do not match up with your records
  • Charges for items that were never delivered
  • Errors in calculations
  • Failure to credit a payment that you made to your account

Getting Help Fixing Errors in Your Credit History

You need help when it comes to fixing errors on your credit report. Dealing directly with the credit reporting agencies and creditors is a hassle, and it is common for these organizations to reject your request because of a lack of adequate documentation. Credit history and your credit score impact your ability to get hired, rent an apartment or obtain the financing that you need to buy your dream home or vehicle. The fact that your credit plays such a big role in your quality of life means that you need an experienced credit mistake and credit report error attorney on your side.

Stopping Harassment Due to Your Credit History

When people are faced with a less than perfect credit history, or even have errors are their report, it is not uncommon to have debt collection agencies involved. These agencies have specific rules that they need to follow, otherwise their behavior can be considered harassment. We’re here to help make this harassment stop. What sets us apart from other law firms? We never ask for money up front, and we only get paid when we’re successful. Vullings Law Group LLC uses extensive knowledge of the CROA and FCRA to determine whether you are eligible for compensation, if creditors are harassing you, and if the information being reported on your credit report is accurate.

Licensed Credit Error Lawyers